Loan Agreement Sample in Nepali

When entering into a loan agreement in Nepal, it is essential to have a written and signed agreement between the lender and borrower. A loan agreement serves as a legally binding contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the loan. It is essential to have a clear and concise agreement to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.

Here is a sample loan agreement in Nepali that can guide you in creating your own loan agreement:

ऋणको अनुदान सम्झौता

इन्हेरिटेन्स बैंक प्रा. लि. (ऋणदाता), संबद्ध ठेगानामा, ईश्वरधाम, काठमाण्डौ, नेपाल, र ______ (ऋणाधिकारी) संबद्ध ठेगानामा, _________ (ठेक्का), _________ (वडा) _________ (गाउँपालिका / नगरपालिका / खाना), जिल्ला _________, नेपाल, ऋणसँग सहमत गर्नुपर्ने शर्तहरु निम्न छन्:

प्रथम : ऋणको रकम रु. _________/- (_______ रुपैया एक आना) हुनेछ।

दोस्रो : ऋणाधिकारीले अनुदान प्राप्त गर्ने लागि स्वयंले ऋणदातालाई माग गर्नुपर्नेछ।

तेस्रो : ऋणको ब्याज दर वार्षिक _____% हुनेछ।

चौथो : ऋण समय सीमा ______ वर्ष हुनेछ।

पाँचौ : ऋण भुक्तानि भुक्तानी उत्तराधिकारी द्वारा गर्नुपर्नेछ। आवेदन गर्नका लागि, ऋणाधिकारीले ऋणदातालाई ऋण समय समाप्ति पछि रकम समेत भुक्तानीय ब्याजसहित चुक्ता गर्ने थाल्नुपर्नेछ।

संक्षेप : उपरोक्त शर्तहरु समेत रहँदा, ऋण अर्थशास्त्र र ऋणदाता सम्बन्धबीच बाँडिएको हुनेछ।

संगे यस समझौताको साक्षी ____________________ र _______________ मुखिया देखि महानगरपालिका / गाउँपालिका कार्यालय देखि पारित अधिकृत नामजुलीको चिन्ह दिनेछन्।

यह समझौता दिनाँक ____ माघ _______ ब.स. _____________ मा तय गरिएको छ।

ऋणदाता _____________________________ऋणाधिकारी _____________________________

(अधिकृत नामजुली) (अधिकृत नामजुली)

As you can see, the loan agreement specifies the loan amount, interest rate, payment terms, and other vital details. Both the lender and borrower should read and understand the agreement before signing it. It is also recommended to have a legal expert review the agreement to ensure compliance with the law and protect both parties` interests.

In conclusion, having a loan agreement is essential when taking or providing a loan in Nepal. It helps in avoiding misunderstandings and disputes that may arise from verbal agreements. By using the above sample loan agreement, you can draft your agreement with the necessary terms and conditions that suit your particular situation.

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